Jun 29


June 29, 2023 - one year ago

Did you know that you burn an estimate of 449 calories in a 45 minute netball game? That is equivalent to 4 Gin and Tonics or 2 chocolate bars!

Netball is an epic sport that can help with a common new year's resolution almost all of us have. Do you have any guesses as to what we’re referring to? It’s weightloss! Netball is fast-paced as the nature of the game involves constant running, jumping, and changes in direction. You’re going to start working up a sweat within 5 minutes of playing and while you’re catching your breath, don’t give up just yet. Be sure to remember that playing netball helps to increase cardiovascular fitness, burn fat, and improve muscle tone. 

We mentioned that running and jumping are a part of netball but how does someone actually lose weight while playing netball? The thing is, you need to move quickly and efficiently using a combination of strength, agility, and coordination to outmaneuver opponents and score points. The intensity of the game means that players can burn a significant number of calories in a relatively short amount of time, making netball a great option for those looking to lose weight. Playing for a short time and burning a lot of calories sounds like a dream come true really! 

While netball is super great for weight loss, it is also a social sport that can help to improve mental wellbeing. Joining a netball team can provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging, as well as the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. This social aspect can be particularly beneficial for those who may be struggling with weight loss and looking for support and encouragement from others. Playing netball can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be a common trigger for overeating or unhealthy food choices.

Here at Urban Rec, we love to support our community in achieving their goals. Whether it’s about trying to lose weight, learning a new sport, making new friends or all three and much more! Netball is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels which is what Urban rec is all about! Urban Rec provides a sustainable and enjoyable way to incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle, leading to long-term weight loss and improved overall health.

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