
Becoming a member or Urban Rec is easy and it is free! All you need to do is click on the link below, fill out the member profile and then you are on your way to being able to sign up for all of our great events, leagues, parties, trips and other great experiences!

Urban Rec currently has over 30,000 members that help create the great experiences across Australia. Your membership will mean that we will send you updates roughly once a month with all the new events and activities that we have coming up. If something catches your eye, just click on the link and you will be able to register for it! It’s sahhhh simple. 

Once you have registered at your 1st event, you will receive your Membership card which you can use for special member benefits at our clubhouses, and other providers. 

Become an Urban Rec Member

View the below video for a further taste of what it’s like to be an Urban Rec Member!